Living the Italian Dream: A Five-Month Volunteering Adventure in Corsano

For a long time, I had been postponing my visit to Italy because I knew deep down that I didn’t
want to experience this beautiful country merely as a tourist. I longed to live there, to immerse
myself in the culture, the cuisine, and, most importantly, the Italian way of life. Thanks to my
best friend, I discovered an incredible opportunity for long-term volunteering in one organisation
on the Amalfi Coast called Acarbio. Without hesitation, I applied, and within weeks, I was going
through the interview process. After successfully passing the official interview, I was invited to a
video meeting with a current volunteer to get a clearer idea of what to expect. Though I can’t
recall her name, I vividly remember her words: “You have to truly deserve to be here in

I began my volunteering journey in February 2024, and from the very first day, I kept asking
myself why I needed to deserve to be there. What was the magic of this place that had captivated
her so deeply?

Coming from a background in informatics, I initially helped with social media tasks and other
computer-related work. During my time there, I was fortunate enough to participate in the
organization of several projects and meet people from various countries and backgrounds. In
addition, I had the opportunity to take Italian lessons, which helped me develop my language
skills—an essential step if you want to be truly integrated into the community. Being naturally
curious and extroverted, I embraced the chance to connect with the locals. Raised in the city of
Yerevan, adapting to village life was a significant challenge for me, but it didn’t take long before
I started making friends around Tramonti.
When talking about community life, I have to mention Raffaele and Isidoro. Thanks to them and
the parties they organized, I discovered the joy of traditional Italian music and dances. Their
cheerful “Buongiorno” at the office always lifted my spirits, making each day brighter.








My volunteering experience wouldn’t have been so enriching without Enzo, the president of
Acarbio. At first, he seemed strict, but I quickly realized he has a heart of gold. I can’t thank him
enough for showing me the beauty of living in a community and how fulfilling it is to be a part
of it. I’ll never forget our trips to the farmers’ market and the cookies that we offered to them(
can’t wait to go back again there and bring the promised cookies :D)After those trips, Enzo
would often talk about the landscape of Tramonti, always suggesting, “Katia, or Miss Bijou as he
loved to call me, just take a walk in these mountains. In every corner, you can find medicine; the
harvest of our Mother Earth.” Thanks to him, I’ve grown to appreciate our environment more
and have developed a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting it. There’s a saying
for a reason: “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”




Reflecting on my experience, I now understand the meaning behind that volunteer’s words: You

have to truly deserve to be in Corsano. In a way, it feels as though Corsano chose me, offering
me the opportunity of a lifetime to experience its unique atmosphere, proud traditions, and, most
importantly, its incredible PEOPLE.


By Yekaterina Avagimyan

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